
Modify the colors of the command prompt on Ubuntu.

The command prompt is a text-based interface used to interact with the Ubuntu operating system. By default, the command prompt is black and white, but with a few simple commands, you can customize the colors to your liking. Steps to customize the colors of the Ubuntu command prompt: 1. Open the Terminal The first step

Free and optimize GIT disk space

Usually, these days storage devices have evolved, and we no longer care about how much space a file or a program needs on the disk. But, in some particular cases (like virtual machines or docker containers), we might face this problem. Recently I faced an issue on a virtual machine. One of the VM that

PHP 8.2 – What’s new, what changed and what is deprecated

PHP 8.2 is the latest major version that was released on December 08, 2022. PHP 8.2 brings up read only classes, true, false and null as stand alone types, deprecated dynamic properties for non anonymous classes etc. So let’s explore the most important updates of PHP 8.2. New read only classes Until now, starting with

Add sudo users on Ubuntu

In Ubuntu, and the other Linux based systems, the command sudo allows users to run commands with admin ( root ) privileges. This allows a user to perform actions that would otherwise be restricted, such as installing software, modifying system files, and managing other users. The sudo command allows users to run commands that need