Nginx – entity too large error
Nginx is a widely-used web server that is known for its speed, flexibility, and scalability. However, sometimes, it may encounter an error known as the “entity too large” error. This error typically occurs when Nginx is unable to process a request because the entity (e.g., the body of a POST request) is too large. In this blog post, we will explore the causes of this error and how to fix it.
Causes of the “entity too large” error
The “entity too large” error can be caused by a variety of factors, including:
- Client-side issues: Sometimes, the client may send a request with a large entity that exceeds the server’s configured limit. This may happen if the client is using an outdated version of a browser or if the client is sending a file that is too large.
- Server-side issues: The server may have a limit set on the size of the entity that it can process. This limit is usually set in the Nginx configuration file and may be set too low.
- Network issues: The network may be experiencing congestion, which can cause delays in processing requests.
How to fix the “entity too large” error
Here are a few ways to fix the “entity too large” error in Nginx:
- Increase the client_max_body_size directive: The client_max_body_size directive is used to set the maximum size of the entity that Nginx can receive from the client. You can increase this directive in the Nginx configuration file to allow for larger entities. For example:
http {
client_max_body_size 50M;
In this example, we have set the maximum size of the entity to 50MB.
2. Check the server-side limit: If you have already increased the client_max_body_size directive and are still experiencing the error, you may need to check if there is a server-side limit set. You can check this by looking at the Nginx configuration file. Look for the http, server, or location
directive that sets the limit on the entity size.
3. Use compression: If the entity is too large to process quickly, you may consider using compression to reduce the size of the entity. This can be done using the gzip module in Nginx. For example:
http {
gzip on;
gzip_types text/plain text/html text/css application/json;
gzip_min_length 1000;
In this example, we have enabled gzip compression for certain file types and set a minimum size for compression.
4. Use a content delivery network (CDN): If you are serving large files, you may consider using a CDN to reduce the load on your server. A CDN can cache the files and serve them from a location closer to the user, reducing the time it takes for the user to receive the file.
The “entity too large” error in Nginx can be caused by a variety of factors, including client-side issues, server-side issues, and network issues. To fix this error, you can increase the client_max_body_size directive, check the server-side limit, use compression, or use a CDN. By following these tips, you can ensure that your Nginx server can handle requests with large entities without encountering errors.